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General Information

Common questions you may have when shopping at Fittere

How can I get in contact with you?

There are multiple ways you can contact us, please choose whichever method you wish, and all methods of contact are usually the same response time which is within 24 hours of your message. 1. Visit the website and go to the bottom of the page where y

What are your customer service operating hours?

We want to make sure that we are here when you need to reach out to us 😊. Our staff are available to return to your messages only during customer service operating hours, however, in the meantime, we have an extensive list of articles that are tailo

How do I find the right size?

When deciding what size you should buy, always have a look at the bottom of the product page next to the description which is the size guide for that specific product which would be set by the seller of that specific product so you can find the size

How can I review a product or seller?

When you visit our website, you can leave a review for either the products on display or sellers offering their products. 1. To leave a review for a product, simply click on the product you would like to review, click on the review tab under the prod

How can I add an item to my Wishlist?

Search for the item that you would want to add to your Wishlist, click on the heart icon on the image of the item and it will be saved to your Wishlist. You can save the item when you don't have a FIT-Account but may lose it in the future, but if you

What happens if an item I want is out of stock?

Unfortunately, some products are just too great, and you may have missed them which will make you eager to know when they're going to be restocked. Fittere doesn't have the count of stock items a seller precisely has available so we wouldn't want to